On Sunday, we boarded a train from Jakarta to Tegal (after a few hours of Jakarta traffic in route to
the station of course!). We had previously met and agreed that our train time would be used to work through a few deliverables for the client - namely, finishing off the workshops for the Supply Chain and Sales teams. Abby and DJ worked through the supply chain deck, preparing recommendations on safety stock, staffing, and 5S. Savannah and Alex finalized the semester-long work on the pilot of mom & baby and personal care projects, as well as added in recommendations for the sales team based on warung and
supplier interviews in country. Of course, we all took a break every now and again to look out the window and admire the beautiful Indonesian countryside!
That night, we headed out with two of the Dagangan team members, Adi and Amay, to a local chicken soup warung - one of our favorite meals throughout our time! Afterwards, we all road on light-up open-air tuk tuk (we'll note here it wasn't actually a tuk tuk but it's the closest thing to describe the vehicle pictured below). Our tuk tuk driver drove us around the town square, much to the amusement of most of the local townspeople who hadn't seen "bules" (foreigners) before!
We were up Monday morning to head to one of Dagangan's busiest warehouses to observe their processes and validate our hypothesis previously developed from our visit to the Cilengsi hub. We watched the warehouse workers pick and pack 5 trucks for a busy day of deliveries. The most popular items that day were water, coffee, flour, and one of the new items we recommended - diapers! Most of our original hypotheses held true, but it we were able to add color to a lot of our recommendations based on our time in Tegal. For example, we recommended measuring and tracking revenue per square meter after noticing how much space the lower margin items took up as opposed to the smaller, higher margin items.
Monday lunch was a Tegal special - lamb satay! We enjoyed getting to eat with all the warehouse staff, especially the buyer for the warehouse who helped us better understand the ordering
process and policies.
Abby and DJ headed out in the afternoon to observe the delivery drivers and interview warungs to round our recommendations for the supply chain and pilot. They learned how important relationships are to the warung owners of Tegal - many of them order because how friendly both the delivery drivers and salespeople from Dagangan are.
We spent a few hours working as a team in the hotel breakfast area in Tegal before catching another train to Jogja. Like before, the team was hard at work preparing deliverables during the train ride. We analyzed our finding from our time in Tegal into final, succinct recommendations on the pilot sales process as well as the supply chain. We were ready to explore Jogja - a city most of our Dagangan colleagues told us was their favorite!